Some of the best rates in Ohio!
Kratos Ohio works diligently to get you the very best rates available. Enter your zip code below to see what rate we can offer you!
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Dominion Energy Customers

The introductory rate is for your FIRST MONTH of service. After that month is up, the customer will revert to our standard month-to-month variable rate. No cancellation fees or contracts.
Columbia Gas Customers

The introductory rate is for your FIRST MONTH of service. After that month is up, the customer will revert to our standard month-to-month variable rate. No cancellation fees or contracts.
Please enter a Zip Code to check availability
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Reduce Your Carbon Emissions
Reducing carbon emissions may feel overwhelming, but it's never been easier with Kratos Gas!
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Spend Summer Vacation Saving
Summer vacation should be spent having fun, not worrying about the budget! Learn how you can take the stress out of travel with yours.
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Should I use Heat or A/C in Spring?
Are you stuck on the dial? Stop changing your indoor temp without reading this first!
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